Import All Tables

Use the Database > Import > Database Table > All Tables menu option ( IMPDB2 GX) to import all tables from an external database, as lines into a Geosoft database (GDB).

Import All Tables dialog options

File to import

Database filename (see IMPDB.GX documentation for available types).

Store tables as

Select between "Groups" or "Lines" to store tables.

Application Notes

Oasis montaj databases support two different types of storage: groups and lines. Line storage is most efficient when tables share the same channels. Groups are useful for storing tables with different channels.

This GX imports each table in the database as a single line or group. For group storage, the table names are adopted "as is". For line storage, if the table names are valid Geosoft line names (i.e., L320, L20.4, R50, etc.) then the name is used "as is". Otherwise, a valid line name will be assigned, beginning at L0 and incrementing by 10 (L10, L20, etc.)

Every channel present is imported.

  • If the Specify coordinate system on import setting is set to "Yes" in the General Settings, and no coordinate system is defined for the current X and Y channels, Set Coordinate System will be called to set the projection on the X and Y.