Import Symbology


Imports custom drillhole symbology into the current drillhole dataset from existing layers, other geodatabases, or Geosoft CSV files.


For an existing drillhole dataset, symbology can be imported from any feature layer that is added to the current map or scene or from an external Geosoft rock code (*.csv) file or .lyrx file. Once the symbology is imported and saved inside the geodatabase, it can be applied to new or existing drillhole feature layers. Sharing the entire project with other users will also share the saved symbology.

Any saved symbology/set of rock code styles can then be set as the "default drillhole symbology" to any feature classes (tables) or attributes (table fields), in the existing feature dataset.

Quick visualization methods like drag-n-drop from the Drillhole Datasets pane to the Contents pane, will display the layers with the assigned/associated set of rock code styles.


Parameter Explanation Data Type


The symbology can be imported from an existing layer (layer in Contents, or an LYRX file), from a Geosoft rock code file (*.csv) or from another drillhole dataset:

  • From layer

  • Geosoft rock code CSV

  • Another drillhole dataset


Input layer

The layer selected from the list of available layers in the Contents pane, and from which symbology will be created and saved into the current geodatabase.

Available when the selected Type is "From layer".

  • If no layers are added to the current scene/map, the list will be empty.


CSV File

The Geosoft rock code file selected and from which symbology will be imported and saved into the current geodatabase.

Available when the selected Type is "Geosoft rock code CSV".

.csv file

Source Drillhole Dataset

The selected drillhole dataset, with saved symbologies.

Available when the selected Type is "Another drillhole dataset".

.csv file


The drillhole dataset selected symbology that will be imported and saved into the current geodatabase.

Available when the selected Type is "Another drillhole dataset".

  • If the selected dataset does not contain any saved symbologies, the list will be empty.

.csv file


The name of the symbology layer to be imported.

  • The symbology name will use the selected input layer name, or the name of the rock code CSV as the default.

.lyrx file

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