Refresh Drillhole Imports


Re-imports the drillhole data from the original data source, to the current drillhole dataset. All of the settings and parameters from the last import will be re-used.


When data is initially imported using an import wizard, an import template file is created which stores all the necessary information about the source of data and the format and selection of the data fields which are to be imported. The template produced during the import is stored inside the database into which the data is imported. Subsequent imports from the same source can be done using the template directly, without needing to go through the wizard again.

The Refresh Drillhole Imports tool basically re-imports (with an overwrite or append) from the original data source, by extracting the saved import templates. If you run the tool on drillholes imported from an existing Target project, it will go through each constituent database in the original drillhole project, extract the stored import template, and run an import using that template to refresh each database in turn..


Parameter Explanation Data Type

Existing data

This determines if the re-import will overwrite existing data, or not:

  • Overwrite - replace all existing data.The existing data will be overwritten; the drillhole feature dataset is deleted and recreated.

  • Append - import new data only.The existing drillhole feature dataset is preserved; see the Technical Notes section below for more details.


Technical Notes

Desurveying Drillholes using Collar and Survey data

The drillholes are always "desurveyed" on import, which means a 3D spatial object (a drillhole "trace") is calculated for each drillhole. The output trace for any given hole can vary depending on what type of data is available during import (collars only, vs. collar and survey data) and which method is selected to do the desurvey calculations, as well as the resolution value selected. The various ways to calculate the traces, depending on which types of data are available, are described below:

With collar locations only, no survey data present:

With collar locations and dip-azimuth survey data:

Append New Data to Existing Dataset

When drillhole data is imported into an existing drillhole feature dataset:

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