Set Cross-Section Orientation and Limits

The Cross-Section limits define the “Startup View” for your model after it is created; i.e. the limits of your area of interest.

If you imported a data profile, the calculated Profile X limits will extend from X=0 (the origin) to the location of the last data point, as projected onto the model section. You may override these values, or enter your own if none have been calculated.

For a Depth model, the default Profile Z limits extend from 0 to 50 km. For a Time model, the Profile T limits extend from 0 to 10 seconds. In each case, this represents the full thickness of the initial “Crustal Rock” block. You may set the view limits differently, if you prefer.

To Manually Set Cross-Section Orientation and Limits

  1. In the Azimuth field, specify the Profile Azimuth, if it is not already calculated. If you have previously entered a Geologic Strike Angle, the field is already set to be perpendicular.

  2. If you change the profile Azimuth manually, this will cause the Geologic Strike Angle to be recalculated to be perpendicular to it.
  3. Click Reverse if the Profile Azimuth should be reversed.

  4. In the Profile X Min and Max fields specify the distance for the X limits.

  5. From the Unit drop-down list, select the correct unit (km, m, etc).

  6. In the Profile Z Min and Max fields specify the distance for the Z limits.

  7. From the Unit drop-down list, select the correct unit (km, m, etc).