Configure LAS Well

LAS well files are imported each time the model is loaded, and up to 2 curves displayed according to the specifications in this dialog. The dialog is divided into three sections.

Well Options

This tab contains basic information about the well.


The name you want displayed with the well symbol in the Depth Cross Section. The default is read from the LAS file and displayed below.


Elevation of Kelly-Bushing; the top of the well measurements. The default value is read from the file.

X Position

The X-coordinate of the well.

Y Position

The Y-coordinate of the well.


The coordinates can be either External or from the Model.

Well Symbol

The well symbol selected from the pull-down list of available symbols. The current selection is displayed.

Left Curve Options

Specify the log curves to be displayed to the left of the well symbol on the Depth Cross Section pane.


Select from the list of available logs in the file.

Curve colour

Select the colour you wish to use for displaying the log curve from the list-box.

Curve width

Specify the width, in pixels, of the log curve. The current curve style is displayed.

Data Limits

The range of values that will be plotted within the plot limits specified below. By default, these are the limits calculated from the curve data.

Plot Limits

Specify the plot limits of the selected range of data, in distance units from the well location, along the profile. In general, the minimum value should be a larger negative number than the maximum.

Right Curve Options

Specify the log curves to be displayed to the right of the well symbol on the Depth Cross Section pane.


Select from the list of available logs in the file.

Curve colour

Select the colour you wish to use for displaying the log curve from the list-box.

Curve width

Specify the width, in pixels, of the log curve. The current curve style is displayed.

Data Limits

The range of values that will be plotted within the plot limits specified below. By default, these are the limits calculated from the curve data.

Plot Limits

Specify the plot limits of the selected range of data, in distance units from the well location, along the profile. In general, the minimum value should be a smaller positive number than the maximum.