Configure LAS Wells

The LAS well Configuration dialog enables you to assign profile coordinates to the well head, assign a name to the well, and associate a well symbol to show the LAS well location on the Plan View and Cross Section. The well name and elevation (EKB) will be shown if they are available in the LAS file -- you may override these entries if you wish.

To Configure a LAS Well

  1. On the Overlay menu, select LAS Wells.

  2. Select Manage LAS Wells. The Manage LAS Well Files dialog appears.

  3. Select the LAS Well file and click Configure. The Config dialog opens.

  4. Specify the Well name, if the name in the LAS file is not acceptable.

  5. Specify the Elevation of the top of the well, commonly the Kelly Bushing, against which all depth measurements are based.

  6. In the X Position field, specify the distance along the profile in model coordinates.

  7. In the Y Position field, specify the offset from the profile in model coordinates.

  8. Specify if the Coordinates are External or from the Model.

  9. Select a Well Symbol from the drop-down list.

  10. On the Left Curve tab, specify the log curve to be displayed to the left of the well symbol on the Depth Cross-Section Pane.

  11. Specify the Curve colour and Curve width (line weight) to be used. A preview of the curve is displayed.

  12. Locate and scale the log curves. The minimum and maximum values in the selected curve will be displayed as the Data Limits. You may even change these limits to be rounded, even values, or to be consistent with other well curves.

  13. Set the Plot Minimum and Maximum distance limits. These distances scale the data by determining how far from the well trace the Data Minimum and Maximum will be plotted. Set the minimum to the relative distance from the well trace that the Data Minimum will be plotted. Set the maximum to the relative distance from the well bore at which the Maximum Data Limit will be plotted.

  14. For example, if the Data Limits are 0 to 250, and the Plot Limits are -15km and -5km, when the log curve value is zero, it will plot 15km to the left of the well trace. A log curve value of 250 will plot 5km to the left of the well trace, and the rest of the curve will be scaled linearly.
  15. On the Right Curve tab, specify the log curve to be displayed to the right of the well symbol on the Depth Cross-Section Pane.

  16. Click Apply to save changes.

  17. Click OK to close the Config dialog. You are returned to the Manage LAS Well Files dialog.

  18. Click OK. The dialog closes and you are returned to the model. Your changes appear.