Manage LAS Well Files

The Manage LAS Files dialog enables you to add, delete, unload, or reload one or many LAS files. You may elect to show/hide each loaded LAS well file independently and each loaded file may be configured independently.

  • If Enable LAS Wells is not activated, LAS wells may be added and configured, but none will appear with the model.
  • To Manage LAS Wells

    1. On the Overlay menu, select LAS Wells.

    2. Select Manage LAS Wells. The Manage LAS Well Files dialog appears.

    3. To add a new LAS Well file, click New. Browse to the LAS Well file location and click Open.

    4. Select a file to Configure or Unload. You can also elect to Reload an existing LAS Well file.

    5. Click OK when finished managing LAS wells. You are returned to the model and your changes appear.