Manage LAS Wells

Use this dialog to control which LAS well files are loaded into your model. You may also elect to show or hide individual LAS wells that are loaded.

The file name and path for each loaded LAS well file is listed and marked SHOW or HIDE. Select a well and click the Configure button to specify where the well should be displayed on the cross-section and to select up to two curves to display.

Manage LAS Well Files dialog options

LAS Well List

A list of loaded LAS well files, showing the full path to the file. Either SHOW or HIDE will be prepended to the file name, depending upon whether the file is to be made visible or not.


Load a new LAS well file into the model.


Open the selected LAS well file again, as if it were new. This may be necessary if the file has changed since the model was opened.


Permanently remove the selected LAS well file from the model.


Toggle the display of the selected LAS well file off or on.


Call the Configure LAS Wells dialog to determine how to display the symbols from the selected file.

See Also: