Display Image

Use the Overlay > Grids and Images > Display an Image menu option to display a georeferenced level plan or vertical section image in a GM-SYS Profile model.

Display Image dialog options


Select the image file to display.


Displays the orientation of the selected image (read-only):

Target pane

Select the pane on which to draw the image:

  • Plan View (section oriented grids and images and crooked section grids are not supported)
  • Depth Section (plan oriented grids and images are not supported)
  • Time Section (plan oriented grids and images are not supported)

If the selected pane is incompatible with the orientation of the image, a validation error will be shown.

Application Notes

This GX must be run interactively from within GM-SYS Profile. It may be called from the main Overlay menu or the Grids and Images context menus in the Plan View, Depth, and Time panes.

Georeferencing an Image

In order to be imported into GM-SYS Profile, the image must already be properly georeferenced.
For plan-oriented images, the image must be “warped” or have a “warp” attached to it (use the Georeferencing options under the Coordinates main menu in Oasis montaj).
For section-oriented images, use the Georeference Section Image(s) option accessed from the Section Tools main menu in Oasis montaj.

See Also: