Edit Gradients

The Edit Gradients menu activates the Manage Anomaly spreadsheet . If the Enable Grav. Gradients or Enable Magn. Gradients options are licensed, tabs will appear in the Manage Anomaly spreadsheet which enable you to edit gradient data. Within the spreadsheet editor, you may add or delete stations, change the along-profile position (X) or elevation (Z) of stations, or change the observed values at stations. Standard Copy and Paste functions are available from the Edit menu when the spreadsheet editor is active.

Data to be imported must be in generic, space-delimited ASCII files.

Since GM-SYS Profile Modelling requires that gravity or magnetic stations exist at each point where gradients are calculated, adding or deleting gravity or magnetics stations produces a corresponding change in the respective gradient components, and vice versa.

  • Adding or importing any new gravity or gravity gradient data replaces all existing gravity and gravity gradient data. Likewise, importing any new magnetic or magnetic gradient data replaces all existing magnetic and magnetic gradient data.