Calculate Vertical Grid Response

Calculate the model gravity response, or export one of the physical properties of the model, as a vertical section grid suitable for displaying in a 3-D View. The output grid will be georeferenced using the Coordinate System and azimuth assigned to the model.

By default, the dimensions of the grid are taken from the current limits of the Depth Pane. You may want to refine an existing View or create a special View for this, so that the grid dimensions and location are exactly how you want them.

To Calculate a Vertical Grid Response

  1. On the Compute menu, select Calc Vert Geosoft Grids. The Calculate Vertical Grid Response dialog appears.

  2. From the Param. to grid drop-down list, select "gravity" or physical property you want to populate the grid.

  3. On the Output Grid field, browse to the output grid name and location.

  4. In the Grid Size & Range box, specify the horizontal and vertical limits. Also, set the cell size and units of the grid.

  5. Click Compute & Save. The Compute Vertical Grids progress bar appears and the grid is written.