Calculate Grids in GM-SYS Profile Modelling

The GM-SYS Profile Modelling Grid Calculation dialogs enable you to calculate the response of your model over an area and generate a Geosoft grid (.grd) file as output. If the model includes a coordinate transformation in the ECS file, the output grid uses the original ground units and will be correctly rotated and located.

You can calculate the gravity or magnetic grid response, or one of the gravity gradient components if Advanced Profile modeling is licensed. Calculate the response at a specified constant terrain separation or at a constant elevation. The Calc Geosoft Grids and Calc Vert Geosoft Grids items in the Calculate menu are "greyed-out" and inactive if GM‑SYS is not licensed at the Intermediate or Advanced level.

  • Grid output of the magnetic gradient components is not supported. Generate a vertical (section) grid containing the distribution of any physical property (density, susceptibility, remanent magnetization or velocity). You can also calculate the gravity response of the model on a vertical section.