Gradient Limitations

Station locations are identical for all components of the gravity field and identical for all components of the magnetic field. Standard gravity (Gz) or magnetics (Bt) stations must exist at each gradient station, but "dummy" observations are enableed for all components. If standard stations do not exist when GM-SYS Profile Modelling loads a model with gradient stations, it will create "dummy" Gz and/or Bt values at these locations. The user can toggle (on/off) the display of any observed or calculated gradient component using options in the Gradients menu.

If the number of observed gradient stations is different than the number of standard (gravity or magnetics) stations,gaps must be "padded" with dummy stations to match. Use the Manage Anomaly function, found in the Profile menu or Anomaly Pane pop-up menus, to add or change stations.Editing the data files manually can corrupt the model or cause your data to be modified when the model is loaded.

Both the standard gravity (Gz) curve and gravity gradient curves are plotted in the gravity anomaly window. Similarly, the total field and magnetic gradient curves are plotted in the magnetic anomaly window. In each window, the gradient components are colour-coded with a legend displayed in the upper-left corner of the anomaly window. A question mark (?) appears next to the legend items if the calculated curve has not been updated to reflect changes in the geologic model; i.e., "?" serves as a "model changed flag. The legend entry for a component is only visible when display of the component is enabled.

See Also: