Set Gradient Axis

The Set Gradient X-Axis Orientation dialog enables you to set the orientation of the X-axis of the gradient fields for gradient calculations. The value is an azimuth; e.g. a value of "90" would denote a positive X-axis pointing East. The X-axis of the gradient field defaults to being coincident with the profile azimuth (PROFILE).

When you define or import a gravity or magnetic survey with gradient components, you should set the orientation of the X-axis. It should not be changed subsequently unless the initial setting was incorrect.

To Set Gradient Axis Orientation

  1. On the Gradients menu, select Set Magnetic Gradient Orientation or Set Gravity Gradient Orientation. The Set Gradient X-Axis Orientation dialog appears.

  2. Specify the Orientation of the gradient X axis.

  3. Click OK. The changes appear in the model.

See Also: