Gravity Units of Measure, in Detail

The cgs unit of density is g/cm3 and the SI unit of density is kg/m3. GM-SYS Profile Modelling expects gravity values to be in mGal and densities to be in g/cm3 or kg/m3. To convert from SI units to cgs units for use in GM-SYS Profile Modelling, use the conversion table. For example, divide densities reported in kg/m3 by 103 for input into GM-SYS Profile Modelling. The density for each block in a GM-SYS Profile Modelling model appears as "D" when the block parameters are displayed.

From the Display menu, select Use CGS Units to use cgs units for gravity terminology and µcgs units for magnetic terminology. Geophysical literature is currently in a state of transition between cgs units and SI units. Many geophysicists continue to use cgs units although SI units do appear in the literature.

The cgs unit of acceleration is cm/sec 2, often referred to as the Gal (short for "Galileo"), where 1 Gal = 1 cm/s2. The geophysical literature commonly reports gravitational attraction in units of mGal = 10-3 Gal). The SI unit of acceleration is m/s2.