Set Remanent Angle

The Remanent dialog enables you to set the Inclination or Declination of the remanent magnetization for a block. The angle you select will be shown in the text field. You may also enter a value in the text field and see its representation on the dial. Valid inclination ranges from -90 to +90 degrees. Valid declination ranges from 0 to 360 degrees. Values entered will be automatically adjusted to their correct representation.

To Set the Remanent Inclination Angle

  1. On the Action menu, select Examine.

  2. Left-click the box to edit. The Block Parameters dialog appears.

  3. Click the A/C button of the Inclination or Declination parameter. The Remanent dialog appears.

  4. Set the desired angle using the dial or by entering the number in the text field.

  5. Click Accept. You are returned to the Block Parameters dialog.

  6. Click OK. You are returned to the model.  The changes appear.

See Also: