Split Block

When the Split Block action is selected, the initial button press on an existing point will define the start of a new surface dividing a block into two parts. Subsequent button presses and releases will define segments in the surface, until a different, pre-existing surface point (bounding the targeted block) is chosen. The end of the new surface must be an existing surface point on a surface bounding the targeted block. After the split is completed, a block parameters box will appear to enable modification of parameters for the new block.

To Split a Block

  1. On the Action menu, select Split Block.

  2. Click on the first point of an existing block. The cursor changes to rubber band.

  3. Click on the additional points of the new block. At the last point, a pop-up menu appears.

  4. Select Accept new block or Accept & edit new block. Make changes to the new block, if required.

  5. Click OK. The new block appears.

See Also: