Perform an Inversion (Go)

After preparing the model for inversion, the actual inversion process is initiated using the GO button. Other GM-SYS Profile Modelling functions are disabled during the inversion/optimization process.

Inversion is a non-linear process with non-unique solutions in most cases. Inverting on the susceptibility or density of a single block should result in convergence after a single iteration.

To Perform an Inversion

  1. On the Action menu, click Invert.

  2. Confirm that the Inversion Parameters are correctly defined.

  3. Click GO. The Iterations dialog appears.

  4. The calculated response curves are updated in the Anomaly Panes, leaving a dotted line as the previous calculated curve. Fields at the bottom of the Iterations dialog box report the change in the RMS error for the gravity and magnetic response. The reported errors are calculated only for an "active area" of the profile which may be affected by changes being made to the model.

  5. Click Next Step to perform another inversion iteration.

  6. Click Accept when you are ready to accept the changes and close the Iterations dialog. The changes appear in the model.

  • Undo returns the model to its state prior to the last step of the iteration while Cancel rejects all changes.

See Also: