Invert Model with GM-SYS Profile Modelling

Forward modelling involves creating a hypothetical geologic model and calculating the geophysical response to that earth model. GM-SYS Profile Modelling, without Inversion/ Optimization, is a forward modelling program enabling interactive manipulation of the earth model and real-time calculation of the gravity or magnetic response.

Inversion, optimization, or inverse modelling involves the reverse procedure. Starting with the observed geophysical response, an earth model that will provide the best fit to that data is calculated.

  • If GM-SYS Profile is licensed at the Basic level, both the Invert option in the Action menu and the Invert button on the Action toolbar are "greyed-out" and inactive.
  • The inversion process begins with activation of the Inversion Setup dialog by selecting the Invert option from the Action menu or the Action toolbar. The dialog controls the inversion process.

    Inversion is accomplished in two steps:

    1. Inversion Setup

    1. Run Inversion Calculations