Add or Delete Points

Points can be added or deleted from the model using the Action menu or toolbar.

To Add a Point

  1. On the Action menu, select Add Point.

  2. Click on a surface where you wish to create a new point. A new point is created. If the cursor is moved prior to releasing the mouse button, the new point will follow the cursor. If auto-calculation is enabled, dynamic recalculation of magnetic and/or gravity response will occur as the point is being moved.

  • If a point already exists within the search radius, GM-SYS Profile Modelling will beep and display a warning message and no point will be added.

To Delete a Point

  1. On the Action menu, select Delete Point.

  2. Click on the point you wish to delete. If two or more points are within the search radius, you must zoom in until a unique point can be selected. The point is deleted.

  • If no point is within the search radius when the button is pressed, if the point is a triple-point, or if two or more points are within the search radius, GM-SYS Profile Modelling will beep and display a warning message and no point will be deleted.

See Also: