Getting Started

Once Leapfrog Geo is installed, there are some first steps to carry out before you begin working with projects. This topic describes those first steps and is divided into:

Once you have carried out these steps, see An Overview of Leapfrog Geo for a description of the different parts of the Leapfrog Geo main window and Concepts for information that is important to helping you get the most out of Leapfrog Geo.

It is possible to run more than one instance of Leapfrog Geo at a time. See Running Multiple Instances at the end of this page for more information.

Signing in to Leapfrog Geo

To use Leapfrog Geo, you need a Seequent ID with the correct permissions. Once you have these, launch Leapfrog.

A window will launch in your computer’s default browser prompting you to sign in using your Seequent ID. Enter your email address, then click the Next button.

Once you have entered your password, click Sign In. You will be prompted to launch Seequent Connector, which is a system tray application that handles the authentication and authorisation required to run Leapfrog Geo. The entitlements page will then be opened in your browser.

You can:

  • Select your group, if your organisation has a number of different groups.
  • Select what extensions you wish to use. Some Leapfrog Geo features are only available with an extension.
  • Select how long you wish to check out a seat, if your organisation is set up to check out seats on a day-by-day basis.

If you do not have a Leapfrog Geo entitlement, you can use Leapfrog Viewer to open scene files. Select your own user name for the Organisation:

Select your options, then click the Get Started button and follow the prompts.

Once you have signed in to Leapfrog Geo using your Seequent ID, the user ID menu in the upper right-hand corner of the main window is used to manage your MySeequent profile and your permissions:

If you are offline, options that require an internet connection will be greyed out. You can continue working in Leapfrog Geo while you are offline until your session expires. To see when this is, click on the user ID menu and select Manage Permissions. The window that appears will display the time and date when your session will expire.

If your organisation shares Leapfrog Geo seats between users, you can release your seat for other Leapfrog Geo users in your organisation when you have finished working with Leapfrog Geo. To release your seat, you can either:

  • Select the Release Seat option from the user ID menu.
  • Close Leapfrog Geo and choose the Release Seat option when you are prompted.

When you close Leapfrog Geo, the Quit option retains your seat and the next time you launch Leapfrog Geo, you will not have to sign in, nor will you have to select your entitlements.

Graphics and Drivers

Many laptop computers come with two graphics options: low-powered graphics integrated into the CPU and a high-performance dedicated graphics option (a GPU). To save power, often the laptop’s default setting is to run programs using the slower integrated graphics option. However, selecting high-performance graphics options is very important to Leapfrog Geo’s performance. If you have a dedicated graphics option, you should be using it. It’s also important to have the most up-to-date drivers to make the most of your computer’s capabilities.

To determine what graphics capabilities your computer has:

1.  From the Leapfrog Geo menu, select About.

2.  Click on the System Info tab.

Under the Summary, you will see the following details:

  • Graphics in use by shows the graphics option being used. Note that Leapfrog Geo uses only the option indicated; if there are two options available, Leapfrog Geo does not use both simultaneously.
  • All available graphics hardware lists the options available. If there are two options listed, you will want Leapfrog Geo to use the dedicated graphics option rather than the slower integrated graphics.
  • Driver date shows the date at which the driver was last updated for each graphics option.

If your graphics drivers are out of date, it is recommended that they be updated prior to switching the graphics in use by Leapfrog Geo. You can find detailed information on setting up your graphics correctly for Leapfrog Geo on MySeequent.

You may need to know your installation path. The default installation path for Leapfrog Geo version 2024.1 is: C:\Program Files\Seequent\Leapfrog 2024.1\bin\Leapfrog.exe.

Running the Graphics Test

Leapfrog Geo can run in one of three acceleration modes. These modes are selected by clicking on the button at the bottom of the main window:

See 3D Acceleration Mode in Settings for more information on these settings.

A newer computer will run in Full Acceleration mode without issues. However, if you are running Leapfrog Geo on a computer that is more than five years old, it is a good idea to run the graphics test to test your computer’s graphics capabilities.

To start the test, open Leapfrog Geo and select Test Graphics from the Leapfrog Geo > Diagnostics menu:

The graphics test displays a series of image pairs that test your computer’s capabilities for the currently selected acceleration mode. For each pair, compare the images:

Even if the differences are slight, click the Images Differ button. If the images match, click the Images Match button. The next test will be displayed.

At the conclusion of the test, the result is displayed. If one or more tests have failed, information about solving problems will be displayed.

If you click on Save Report, you will be prompted to save the file on your computer.

If the test has failed, try switching to a different acceleration mode and running the test again. If possible, avoid using Software Rendering as it can be very slow.

If you cannot resolve the problem, save a copy of the graphics test report and contact technical support as described in Getting Support. Be sure to include information about your system copied from the About > System Info tab.

Running Multiple Instances

It is possible to run more than one instance of Leapfrog Geo at a time. All instances running on one computer will share the permissions and extensions in use by the first instance.

Running multiple instances you can:

  • Continue working in Leapfrog Geo using one instance while processing is carried out in another instance.
  • Download a project from Central using one instance while continuing to work in a different project in another instance.
  • Connect to different Central servers.

Because all running instances share same permissions, changing permissions in one instance will also change permissions in the other instances. Because permissions are shared, closing one Leapfrog Geo instance and choosing to release your seat will close all Leapfrog Geo instances.

When closing a Leapfrog Geo instance, choosing Release Seat will close all running Leapfrog Geo instances. To keep other instances running, choose the Quit option.