Extracting Mesh Parts

To extract the triangles from a mesh and create a new mesh, right-click on the surface and select Extract Mesh Parts. The Extract Mesh Parts window will appear:

The Extract clipped mesh option is only available for meshes that are clipped to a boundary. The largest part is initially selected. You can sort the mesh parts by Volume or by Area by clicking the heading of the respective column. Other options are:

  • Select all parts by clicking the Select All button. To de-select all parts click the Remove All button.
  • Inside-out parts have negative volume. To remove them, click the Remove Inside-Out button.
  • To remove parts smaller than a given size, first click the Select All button. Select the last item you want to keep and click the Remove Below Current button.

Click OK to save the new mesh, which will appear in the Meshes folder. The mesh generated is a non-editable mesh ().

Meshes created in this way are not connected to the mesh they were created from. Changes to the original mesh will not be reflected in the selected parts.

If the quality of the mesh produced is not acceptable, clip the mesh as described in Clipping a Mesh.