Bi-Directional Gridding from a Control File

Use the Grid and Image > Gridding > From Control File > Bi-Directional Control File menu option (BGCON GX) to create a grid using bi-directional line gridding from a BIGRID control file. To perform the gridding, you must supply a data channel, an output grid name, and a control file. This GX enables you to create and/or edit a BIGRID control file, which provides access to all gridding parameters.

Bi-Directional Control File dialog options

Data channel

Select the data channel to grid.

Script Parameter: BGCON.CHAN

Transverse gradient channel

Optional. Select the data channel that contains the observed gradient in the direction normal to the survey lines.

  • When data along the survey line is adequately sampled, splining along the survey direction honours the observed data. However, splining across the survey lines has more freedom to deviated from the true ground response. Supplying this gradient restricts this freedom in the direction normal to the primary survey direction, and improves on the conformity of the splined data with the actual ground response.

Script Parameter: BGCON.GRAD

Output grid

Specify the name of the output grid file.

Script Parameter: BGCON.GRDNAME

Control file

Select the name of a BIGRID control file.

Script Parameter: BGCON.CONNAME

[Edit Controls]

You can use this button to edit an existing BIGRID control file or create a new one. If you specify an existing control file and click Edit Controls, the system reads all processing values from the file. You can then use the current dialog to change specific gridding options as required. If you specify a non-existing file, the system provides default BIGRID control values in the tab dialog boxes.

To see how to set the parameters that control the gridding process, use a text editor to display the "bigrid.con" control file. For more information about the BIGRID control file parameters, go to The BIGRID Control File topic.