Coordinate System - Copy From

Use the Copy Coordinate System From dialog to retrieve and display a coordinate system from another location.

Copy Coordinate System From dialog options

File type

Use the drop-down list to select the file type to copy the coordinate system from:

  • Database (.gdb)
  • Grid (.GRD)
  • Voxel (.geosoft_voxel)
  • Geosoft Projection (.prj)
  • Esri Projection (.prj)
  • Warp (.wrp)
  • Polygon (.ply)
  • GMSYS Model (.ecs)

File name

Use the drop-down list or the browse[...] button to locate the File name to retrieve the coordinate system from.


The Channel parameter is enabled when the "Database" file type is selected. Use the drop-down list to select the channel to retrieve the coordinate system from.

Application Notes

If the output coordinate system is predetermined, the input coordinate system may be modified. For instance, if a geographic coordinate system is required, and a projected coordinate system is input using the Copy From button, only the datum and local datum transform portions on the input coordinate system are retained; the projection method is dropped, and the units are changed to degrees.