Add a Voxel to 3D View

In the 3D Viewer, use the Add to 3D > Voxel menu option to add a voxel to the current 3D View.

Add a Voxel to 3D dialog options

Voxel name

Select the voxel (.geosoft_voxel) or vector voxel (.geosoft_vectorvoxel) to display. If the latter file type is selected, the magnitude of the vectors will be displayed as a voxel. To see a vector voxel display run Add to 3D>Vector Voxel…

Script Parameter: V3DVOX.VOXEL


Select the colour scheme for rendering the voxel. If you mouse over the colour scheme entry, a tooltip will display the name of the colour table in its folder. To modify the selection, click on the colour entry and then navigate through the scheme categories.

Script Parameter: V3DVOX.COLOR

Colour method

Select the colour method, "Default", "Histogram equalization", "Normal distribution", "Linear" or "Log-Linear".

Script Parameter: V3DVOX.ZONE

Reverse colour distribution


The colour table can be used in reverse order. Check this box to reverse the order.

Script Parameter: V3DVOX.REVERSE [0-No | 1 - Yes]

Contour interval

Specify the contour interval.

Script Parameter: V3DVOX.CONTOUR

Application Notes

When adding a voxel in the 3D viewer, if the voxel being displayed is too large for the available memory, the appearance of the voxel will be automatically downsampled on-the-fly to a coarser cell size. This will maintain the speed and performance of the 3D Viewer, while allowing the user to view a coarser version of the data.

For large voxels that may experience poor performance, a resolution slider will appear below the other voxel controls with an initial downsampling level preset to use no more than 256 Mb of the video memory.

If the 3D view is slow, try sliding the slider to the left, to lower the resolution of the voxel. One notch to the left will double the cell sizes of all cells in the voxel.

  • Note that this is only a change in how the voxel is rendered or drawn; there is no change to the underlying data.