INCL (Include another MAPPLOT control file)

The INCL command includes another control file at this point in the MAPPLOT process. This allows you to include standardized objects that have been defined in separate MAPPLOT control files, or to use separate files to set replacement strings.

Included files may include other files up to a nested maximum of 10 files from the original control file.

Using standard objects

When creating standard objects that you may reuse in many different plots, it is quite advantageous to refer all objects (in the file to be included) to refp 11. Then in the control file calling the standard object, you simply define refp 11 before the inclusion call. In this way, the calling control file may specify where to place the object drawn by the included control file.

Command Syntax:

INCL filename,ireq

Command Parameters:


The name of the MAPPLOT control file to include. The file extension .CON is assumed. The system PATH is always searched for the file. (No default.)


Flag to indicate if file must exist:



File need not exist (default). If it does not exist, MAPPLOT will not complain and will simply move on to the next command.



File must exist. If the file is not found, MAPPLOT will stop with an error message.


REFP 1,10,10


This will draw a logo which is defined in a file named LOGO.CON. The drawing commands in LOGO.CON are drawn relative to reference point 11, which is defined by the REFP command to be at coordinate (10,10) cm relative to the lower left corner of the map.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.