Flight Line Separation

Use the Flight Line Separation option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.AirborneQC.LineSeparation;Run)*) from the Airborne QC menu to carry out quality control on flight line separations.

Flight Line Separation dialog options

Input database file

Select the database from which you wish to calculate the flight line separations. This field is auto-populated with the name of the active database.

Line type to process

Select whether to process survey lines (Lines) or tie lines (Ties). See the Application Notes section below for more details.

Script Parameter: QCSEP.LINESEL

Nominal separation

Specify the nominal line separation.

Script Parameter: QCSEP.NOMSEP

Maximum separation

Specify the maximum line spacing.

Script Parameter: QCSEP.MAXSEP

Line separation over a distance

Separation greater than

Specify the allowed spacing between lines for a given distance (see below).

Script Parameter: QCSEP.ALLSEP

Over a distance greater than

If the line separation value (see above) is exceeded for this specified distance, the line will be flagged (as out of survey specification).

Script Parameter: QCSEP.DIST

At least one of the two specifications, maximum separation or line separation over a distance, must be defined.

Recalculate separations

Select whether or not to recalculate distances.

Script Parameter: QCSEP.RECALC [1 – Recalculate, 0 – Do not recalculate]

Plot results

Specify if the outcome (flight lines, flagged locations, legend) should be plotted on the current map, on a new map, or not at all:

  • Existing map: this is the default option. If the legend group already exists on the map ('LEGEND_QC_<database>' in the Base view), new legend items will be added to it. If this group already exists and contains a survey path ('PATH_<database>' group in the Data view), the path will not be replotted, and the Line Attributes tab in the expanded section will not be active. The Flag Attributes tab will allow you to customize the colour, thickness, and offset from the survey path of the flagged locations.
  • New map: the Line Attributes tab in the expanded section is active and prompts for the label size and position as well as the colour, thickness, and break on gaps of the survey path.
  • Do not plot: the output plot will not be generated. The two Attributes tabs are hidden.

In order to visualize multiple QC test results on the same map, flag symbols signifying data that are outside of specifications are plotted using a unique colour and offset for each QC test.

Script Parameter: QCSEP.MAP [0 – Display on current map (default), 1 – Display on a new map, 2 – Do not plot]

Map name

Specify the name of a new or existing map on which to plot the results. The map will open in the foreground. If the map is new, you will be prompted to interactively specify the location of the legend. New information will be added to the map; the legend will indicate the line path colour as well as the colour of the flagged locations and the percentage of the survey that is not within the specifications.

When a new map is generated, the map is scaled to the input database extents, and the map projection is set to the projection of the database.

Script Parameter: QCSEP.MAP_FILE


Flag Attributes

Colour left

Readings exceeding the permissible separation to the left of the survey path are indicated by colour-coded lines. Select a colour for plotting these lines; by default, this is set to green.

See the Application Notes section below for more details.

Script Parameter: QCSEP.FLAG_COLOR

Colour right

Readings exceeding the permissible separation to the right of the survey path are indicated by colour-coded lines. Select a colour for plotting these lines; by default, this is set to red.

See the Application Notes section below for more details.

Script Parameter: QCSEP.FLAG_COLOR


Specify the thickness in mm for the flagged lines. By default, it is set to 0.2.



Specify the flagged lines offset (the distance from the survey line) in mm. A value greater than 0 is required. By default, it is set to 0.4.

Script Parameter: QCSEP.FLAG_OFFSET

Line Attributes


Select a colour for plotting the line path. By default, the colour is set to black.

Script Parameter: QCSEP.LINE_COLOR


Specify the line thickness in mm. By default, it is set to 0.15.


Label location

Select the label position relative to the ends of the lines: 

  • End (default): the labels are displayed centered off the ends of the line
  • Above: the labels are displayed above the ends of the lines
  • Below: the labels are displayed below the ends of the lines
  • None: the line labels are not plotted


Label size

Specify the label size in mm. The default is 2.5.


Break on gaps>

Specify the maximum gap (in units of distance) before breaking the line. The default is 0 (no gap).


Application Notes

This GX assumes that the current database is the one containing the actual survey data. The database is called the survey database. If you wish to process a different database, you may browse to add it to the project or select one from the workspace list.

Current Database and Selection of Lines

It is advised that you carry out quality control on the survey lines (first letter of the line symbols being L) and tie lines (first letter of the line symbols being T) separately. By default, the option to process survey lines is checked. Select the Ties option in the Line type to process entry if you would like to check the separation between tie lines.

The Separation Calculation

Before the quality control test for compliance of line separations can be run, it is necessary to determine the spacing between lines for each point on the lines. This GX performs this function and saves the results to two channels: Closest_Left and Closest_Right. If the channels do not exist, the calculation is automatic, independent of the Recalculate separations option.

A nominal or average line spacing is required, as a grid is created internally to store flight path information. First, the lines are scanned to determine an average direction for the survey. This calculation takes into account the fact that lines may be flown in opposite directions. Separations are calculated perpendicular to this direction. The lines are scanned to determine their relative positions and paths through the survey area. Then, for each position, the perpendicular distance to the closest adjacent line is determined for both sides of the line. (Because the lines are not necessarily parallel, these distances are not necessarily the shortest distance to the other line.) The two channels created, Closest_Left and Closest_Right, contain the distance to the adjacent lines lying to the left and right of the current line, as seen proceeding in the average line direction. For instance, if the average line direction is 0° azimuth, then "Right" is at 90° and "Left" is at -90°. Where no line is found in these directions, the distance is left as a dummy value. This usually occurs near the ends of lines and on the "outside" of the lines at the edges of the survey. Once the initialization is completed, and the distance channels have been created, the compliance stage may be run any number of times, with different values, without re-calculating the distance channels.

  • "Left” and “Right” are relative to the lines drawn on a map, with North at the top, based on the average direction for the lines and tie lines. Therefore, “left of line” and “west of line” are essentially equivalent.
  • The line path grid created internally to facilitate the distance calculations uses a cell size of one-half of the nominal separation, and it can store information for up to two different lines at a time. This is adequate to handle crossing lines and surveys with a reasonable amount of deviation in the line paths. If there are sections of the survey where more than two lines cross a cell of this size, the algorithm may break down and miss the third (or other) line when locating adjacent lines. To remedy this, decrease the nominal line separation to ensure that no more than two lines will cross any square measuring half this distance on an edge.

Quality Control Specifications and Indicators

This GX allows two separate specifications to be applied to check whether the separations between actual flight lines are acceptable or not.


At each reading location, the distance to the nearest position on the nearest line should be less than the maximum separation.


The distance of a flight line to the nearest line may be greater than the specified separation for a distance less than the specified distance.

You can apply one or both of these specification tests. To disable a test, leave the field(s) empty.

The Compliance Test

Once the distance channels have been created, they may be used to test line separation compliance. The GX creates two flag channels, called Flag_SepL and Flag_SepR, which correspond to the two distance channels. These channels contain numbers from 0 to 3 inclusive to indicate the result of the quality control test on flight line separation.

A line may be in compliance with respect to a line on one side, but not in respect to the nearest line on the other side.

Indicator Definition

Each test is performed independently for the 'Left' and 'Right' sides.




Flight line separation passes both tests.


Flight line separation fails the maximum separation test.


Flight line separation fails the test on the allowed line separation over a distance.


Flight line separation fails both tests.
Distance Calculation

When the specification of line separation over a distance is provided, the cumulative distance along the actual survey locations is used instead of the distance along the ideal line path.

*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.