Plot TIN Nodes

Use the Grid and Image > Gridding > Tinning > Plot TIN Nodes menu option (TINNODES GX) to plot the locations of the Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) nodes. The TIN Nodes will be displayed on the current map in your project.

TIN Nodes are the X,Y locations of the processed data. In a Z-valued TIN, required for gridding, only those locations with valid X, Y and Z values are included in the TIN.

Plot TIN Nodes dialog options

Input TIN file

The name of the TIN file to plot.

Script Parameter: TINDB.FILE

Symbol colour

The colour in Geosoft RGB format for the plotted symbols. The symbol is a filled circle. (Default is blue).

Script Parameter: TINNODES.COLOR
Use "X" to skip plotting.

Symbol size (mm)

Size of the colour symbols in mm (Default is 1.0).

Script Parameter: TINNODES.SYMSIZE

Number labels?

Select "yes" to have the indices of the extrema plotted beside them. The extrema are numbered from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of minima or maxima (Default is no).

Script Parameter: TINNODES.LABELS
"0" to skip, "1" to plot number labels.

Label size (mm)

Size of the number labels (Default is 2.0).

Script Parameter: TINNODES.LABSIZE