
Use the Database Tools > Filters > Polynomial menu option (TREND GX), to calculate an n'th order trend of a data channel by (least square) best-fit polynomial. The trend is then evaluated and placed in a new channel. An optional residual channel (input - trend) may also be created.

The option is also available with the following extensions and menus:

  • Moving Platform Gravity > 1D Filters > Polynomial
  • Tie Line Levelling > Levelling Utilities > Trend

Polynomial dialog options

Channel to trend

Input channel to trend

Script Parameter: TREND.IN

Output trend channel

Output trend channel. If not specified, only a residual channel is created.

Script Parameter: TREND.OUT

Output residual channel

Output residual channel (input - trend). If not specified, only a trend channel is created.

Script Parameter: TREND.RES

Trend order (0 – 9)

Order of the polynomial >=0 and <=9

Script Parameter: TREND.ORDER

Application Notes

A trend output channel (OUT) and /or a residual channel (RES) must be specified.