Add Vector Voxel to 3D View

In the 3D Viewer, use the Add to 3D > Vector Voxel menu option to display a vector voxel in the current view as directional symbols.

Add Vector Voxel to 3D dialog options

Vector voxel name

The Geosoft vector voxel file to be displayed in the 3D viewer (see Application Notes).


Select the colour scheme for rendering the image of the vector voxel. If you mouse over the colour scheme entry, a tooltip will display the name of the colour table in its folder. To modify the selection, click on the colour entry and then navigate through the scheme categories.

Colour method

Select the colour method. If the selected colour scheme above is an .itr or .zon file, the colours are already attributed to data ranges and this entry remains disabled. The colour method can be one of: As last displayed, Default, Histogram equalization, Normal distribution, Linear, Log-Linear or Logarithmic. The "As last displayed" method will display the symbols as displayed last time, and the colour tables will be ignored.

Reverse colour distribution

The colour table can be used in reverse order. Checking this box will reverse the order.

  • For example, the colour table for displaying resistivity data is the inverse of the one used for conductivity. By allowing to reverse the colour table on the fly, the same table can be used to display both.
  • [More]

    Scale to amplitude

    If checked (default), the vectors are scaled to their individual amplitudes, otherwise they are all plotted with the same fixed length.

    Vector scale

    If above parameter is checked, this is the ratio of the maximum field magnitude over the horizontal cell size. If above parameter is not checked, this is the multiplier that controls the length of the vectors, relative to the horizontal cell size.

    This should be a positive float value. A value of 1 ensures that no symbols overlap, since the largest symbols will span over a single cell. Decreasing this scale will allow for an increasing amount of blank space, while increasing it will make the largest symbols span over more than a voxel cell. The default is set to 1, and the maximum is limited to 10.

    Height/base ratio

    The ratio of the height of the symbol over the diameter of the base. The larger this value the slimmer the symbols will appear. This is purely esthetic. The default is a ratio of 4. The range is 1.0 to 10.0.

    Max base/cell size ratio

    The ratio of the diameter of the base of the symbol over the horizontal cell size. This parameter will only have an effect if the Vector Scale is >1. The effect will be visible for vectors whose length is close to the cell size. To allow for a better view, the default is set to 0.25. It is confined between 0.2 and 2.

    Minimum cutoff

    Do not show symbols for a magnitude below the Minimum cutoff . This is set to the mean of the data minus one standard deviation

    Application Notes

    A vector voxel is a voxel model represented by 3 float values at each voxel point. These 3 values collectively define the magnitude and direction of a geophysical entity. A vector voxel model is displayed in the 3D viewer with directional arrows; the size and colour of which are indicative of the field magnitude.