Log Transform

This dialog opens when you click the Use a log distribution button from the Create Multiple Isosurfaces from Voxel dialog box. The minimum and maximum values defined in the Log Transform dialog are used to define a set of isosurface values where the spacing follows a log distribution. The Use a log distribution button is disabled when the maximum data value in the Input voxel is less than or equal to zero.

Log Transform dialog options


The voxel file's minimum data value is listed by default. If the voxel's minimum data value is less than zero, then the Minimum is set to 1 or to the maximum value divided by 1000, whichever is less. The Minimum value can be adjusted to any value greater than zero that is within the voxel's data range.



The Maximum value is initially set to the maximum voxel data value. It can be adjusted to any value in the voxel’s data range, and must be greater than the value entered for Minimum.