Show Contributing Electrodes

Use the Quality Control > Show Contributing Electrodes option, (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.IP.ContributingElectrodes;Run)*), to link database rows with the corresponding contributing electrodes on a plan map or a 3D view. This is an interactive-only tool.

Show Contributing Electrodes dialog options

Map /3D View name

Select an existing 2D map or 3D view on which to highlight the current row of the IP database.

The contributing electrodes and the plot point of the current row are displayed magnified.

Plot point configuration

Regardless of the number of electrodes present in the database, you could select which set of electrodes to use in order to calculate the plot points: Dipole-Dipole, Pole-Dipole or Pole-Pole.

See the Application Notes below for more information on plot point configuration.

Transmitter 1

Transmitter 2

The transmitter electrodes coordinate channels.

The X & Y coordinates of Transmitter 1 are mandatory.

The presence of the Transmitter 2 tab depends on the plot point configuration.

The Z component is contextual. If you have selected above a 3DV then you could select a Z channel. In its absence, the plot points are calculated relative to a zero-datum horizontal surface.

Receiver 1

Receiver 2

The receiver electrodes coordinate channels.

The X & Y coordinates of Receiver 1 are mandatory.

The presence of the Receiver 2 tab depends on the plot point configuration.

The Z component is contextual. If you have selected above a 3DV then you could select a Z channel. In its absence the plot points are calculated relative to a zero-datum horizontal surface.

Application Notes

IP surveys produce a large volume of data with a sizable amount of redundancy and duplication; as a result it is difficult to visualize the location of the electrodes of a database row on a plan map or a 3D view. In the case of a 3D view, the related plot point is also highlighted. This tool acts on the current IP database.

This linking mechanism deviates from the native Oasis montaj linking mechanism in the fact that it links one database row to up to four points on a map and five in a 3D view. In order to achieve this special linking while this tool is active, the inherent Oasis montaj linking is deactivated and reactivated when this tool is closed.

Plot Point Configuration

In essence all IP surveys involve 4 electrodes, however if the second transmitter and/or receiver is placed far enough from the survey area it may be considered as located at infinity.

If the second transmitter is far away, the configuration is known as Pole-Dipole and the coordinates of the second transmitter are generally omitted. If the second receiver is also far away from the survey area, the configuration is known as Pole-Pole and the coordinates of the second receiver are generally omitted.

Although the plot points are displayed in a 3D space, the z axis does not represent real depths but rather pseudo depths - analogous to the 2D pseudo-section display, to visualize distinct readings.

*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.