
Voxel is just another word for a three-dimensional grid. The Voxel menu includes options for creating, displaying, processing and converting 3D grids:

  • You can create a voxel using the voxel gridding options on the Voxel > New menu:

    • The 3D Kriging option uses a basic statistical kriging algorithm to create a 3D voxel grid from 3D data contained in a Geosoft Database (GDB file). To create a voxel grid, you will need to have a data set that contains X, Y, and Z fields that locate the data within a coordinate system in which Z coordinates are interpreted as positive up.

    • In addition, you can also perform 3D Direct Gridding and 3D Inverse Distance Weighted Gridding.

  • These voxel grids can be displayed and manipulated in three dimensions using the Voxel > Open option.

  • You can view voxel statistics using the Voxel > Properties option.

  • You can produce a new voxel from a math expression, which works on a point-by-point basis, using the Voxel > Voxel Math option.

  • You can also convert to or from other 3-dimensional grid formats, such as the UBC Meshtools format and the GoCAD voxel format, using one of the Voxel > Conversions menu options.