Manage 3D Snapshots

You can use the Manage Snapshots dialog to view, rename, delete or re-order the appearance of your 3D snapshots. The Manage Snapshots option can be found on the Tools & Settings menu of the 3D Viewer and on the 3D View pop-up menu.

In the Manage Snapshots dialog, you can do the following:

  • Select a snapshot from the list to display it in the Preview window.

  • Click the View in 3D button () to display the selected snapshot in the open 3D view behind the dialog.

  • Use the Arrow buttons ( ) to change the sequence of your snapshots in the list.

  • Rename a snapshot in the Snapshots list by clicking twice on the name.

  • Add additional context to a snapshot in the Description field.

  • Use the Delete button () to permanently remove a snapshot from the list.

Application Notes

3D View snapshots are “bookmarks” of individual states of your current 3D View; they enable you to capture and return to a favourite location and state of a view quickly and easily. For example, if you are working on a complex 3D model and would like to share a number of different views with your colleagues, you can create a number of snapshots that will save individual states of the view based on the viewing angle & location, the 3D View extents and display settings, as well as groups visibility, transparency and clipping.