Geochemistry Database Import Wizard - Step 2 of 2

Use this wizard dialog to specify the import parameters for the database file that is to be imported into a Geochemistry database.

Geochemistry Database Import Wizard (Step 2 of 2)

Database Fields

Database Fields

The database fields that are available for import. Select (highlight) a field to specify the Channel Type and Parameters.

Channel Type

Not Imported

Select the Not Imported radio button if you do not want the selected (highlighted) channel in the bottom preview window to be imported.


Select the Data radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) channel in the left preview window to be imported as Data.


Select the Sample radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) channel in the left preview window to be imported as Samples.


Select the Standard radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) channel in the left preview window to be imported as Standards.


Select the Duplicate radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) channel in the left preview window to be imported as Duplicates.


Select the East radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) channel in the left preview window to be imported as eastings.


Select the North radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) channel in the left preview window to be imported as northings data.


Select the Assay radio button if you want the selected (highlighted) channel in the left preview window to be imported as Assays data.


Field name

Specify the Field name. The default is the name from the Data Heading Row from Data Import Wizard - Step 1 of 3.


Specify the Label. The default is the name from the Data Heading Row from Data Import Wizard - Step 1 of 3.

Data Type

Specify the Data Type. The intelligent default is determined from the Channel Type.

Data Format

Specify the Data Format. The intelligent default is determined from the Channel Type and the Data Type.


Click the Finish button to import the data into a Target database.