Pick Anomalies

Use the Database Tools > Channel Tools > Pick Anomalies menu option (ANOMPICK GX) to pick anomalies from one channel or a selection of channels.

Pick Anomalies dialog options

Channels to pick anomaly

Name(s) of input channel(s). Comma delimited names are accepted

Script Parameter: ANOMPICK.INCHAN

Format of result

Format of results to save: Values (default), Numeric or Alphabetic

Script Parameter: ANOMPICK.RESULT

Base level

Base level

Script Parameter: ANOMPICK.LEVEL

Minimum amplitude

Minimum amplitude of the filtered data in an input channel defines a minimum value which can be considered as anomaly

Script Parameter: ANOMPICK.AMPL

Application Notes

Pick anomalies in a channel

For a point of the channel to be picked as an anomaly, it must be a peak (local maximum) value which is greater than the ‘Base level’. The difference between this peak value and values of the adjacent troughs (local minima) must be greater than the ‘Minimum amplitude’.

Channel to store results

The picked anomalies can then be saved in the respective output channels. They can be either alphabetical or numerical numbers or actual values of the input channels.