Target Picking

Two target-picking capabilities are included with the *Geophysics extension: pick targets from one or more channels and pick targets from the profile window.

Target Picking from One or More Channels

The ANOMPICK GX, located on the Database Tools > Channel Tools > Pick Anomalies menu, enables you to pick anomalies from one or multiple channels based on the channel(s) values and the amplitude of the troughs on either side of the anomaly in the channel(s) profile.

The target results will be stored in a new channel either using the actual values of the input channel or with alphabetical or numerical numbering.

The default target results channel name is the "original channel name" + "_A" (for example, if the selected Channels to pick anomaly is "Mag", the target results channel will be "Mag_A").

  • If the target results channel is not displayed in your database, right click on the first empty channel header and select List from the popup menu. Select the target solution channel "Mag_A", click the OK button and the target results channel will be displayed.
  • The target results can be displayed in the following formats:

    • Values - returns the actual peak value of the anomaly (e.g. 56011.32)
    • Numeric - numbers each anomaly in the order that it was picked (e.g. 1, 2, 3…)
    • Alphabetic - assigns a letter to each anomaly in the order that it was picked (A, B, C...)

    Target Picking from the Profile Window

    The second target picking capability, located on the profile window (left-click) popup menu, enables individual targets to be picked directly from the profile window.

    The selected targets are appended to the "Targets" line and, optionally, can be plotted simultaneously to the current map using user-defined symbols.

    To access the "Targets" line, right click on the fiducial (Line number) header and select List from the popup menu. Select the "Targets" group/line.