Sensor Noise (Batch QC Parameters)

Use the Sensor Noise tab (QCNOISE GX) to calculate the fourth differences between values in a channel.

Sensor Noise tab options

Data channel

Select your data channel.

This is a required field.

Script Parameter: QCNOISE.CHAN

4th difference tolerance

Specify the 4th difference tolerance value.

This is a required field.

Script Parameter: QCNOISE.TOL

Normalize differences

Select to normalize the difference.

Script Parameter: QCNOISE.NORMAL

Application Notes

This dialog creates a channel called FLAG_NOISE. Fourth differences are calculated for the input channel. The difference values outside the range defined by +/- the specified tolerance will have the value of 1 placed in the FLAG_NOISE channel. Values within the tolerance range will be flagged with a 0.

By default, the normalized fourth differences are calculated. The normalized fourth differences are equal to the fourth differences divided by 16.0.

Fourth differences are useful for identifying noise in the data. Differences with a dummy result in a dummy.