Coordinate System - New Projection Method

Use the New Projection Method dialog to define a projection method that is not defined in the EPSG list or has not already been defined and added to the list. This option will enable you to create your own projection method that will be added to the list of available methods.

A custom projection method will appear with a character prefix ('*') to indicate that the projection method is not a standard EPSG projection.

New Projection Method dialog options

Method name

Specify the Method name of the new coordinate system. The method name is simply a unique descriptor for the method being defined, and it is used for future selections of the projection method when defining a coordinate system.

Length units

Using the Length units drop-down list, select the units for the new coordinate system from the list provided.

Projection type

Using the Projection type drop-down list, select the type of projection from the list provided.

Projection parameters

Depending on the Projection type selected above,  projection parameters will be displayed enabling you to specify the required parameters.