Drillhole Export to Access Database

Use the DH-Data > Export > Access Database menu option (DHEXPDB GX) to export your Drillhole project to an Access database (*.MDB or *.MDE) file.

  1. On the DH-Data menu click Export, and then click Access database. The Drill Hole – Export to a Access (MDB) dialog is displayed.

  2. Using the browse button, select (or specify) the output MDB|MDE file name from your working directory, and using the Holes to export drop-down list select which holes to export: "Selected holes", "All holes", or "Select from list".

  3. Click the OK button to export the drillhole project to an Access database file format.

Drillhole Export to a Access Database dialog options

Output MDB file name

Output file name, .MDB assumed.

Script Parameter: DHEXPDB.FILE

Holes to export

Select which holes to export "Selected holes", "All holes", or "Select from list"

Script Parameter: DHEXPDB.SELECTED: "ALL", "SELECTED" or "LIST". If using the "LIST" option, set the DHEXPDB.LIST parameter to be the selected holes, comma-separated.

Application Notes

Either the "Selected Holes" or "All Holes" may be exported.

If the output file and table already exist, the table will be overwritten, and previous contents will be lost.