Drillhole Import - ASCII / XLS/Database / ODBC Database

Use the DHIMPASC GX to import Drill Hole ASCII files, the DHIMPDB GX to import XLS/Database files, and the DHIMPORTODBC GX to import data from an ODBC source into a drill hole project. These GXs call the DHIMPORT GX.

Drill Hole - ASCII Import / Import XLS/Database / ODBC Database dialog options

File to import
Database only)

Name of the file to import

Script Parameter: DHIMPORT.FILE

Import mode

Overwrite: Start from scratch; if the database exists it is first deleted.

Append/Merge: The existing database is preserved. If the import data contains a hole which did not previously exist in the database, the hole is added. If data is imported into a hole which already exists in the database, the following process is followed: If the From-To intervals (or Depth values for point data) are identical in the existing and in the imported data, then the different fields/channels are overwritten in-place. Pre-existing channels which are not imported are preserved. If the depths in the input data are greater than those in the original data, then the new data is appended to the original data. However, if the from-to or depth values in the imported data do not match the pre-existing hole data, or are not entirely greater than the originals, then the original data is deleted, and the new data is imported into a newly created database table.



Run the particular import wizard to create an import template and select the type of data to import. The import template is then used to import the data. The template name uses the file name, with the extension "i3" (ASCII) or "i4" (XLS/Database/ODBC), e.g. for "collars.csv" the template "collars.i3" is created. For the ODBC import, the template name is created using the imported table name; e.g. "HOLELOCATION.i4".

(ODBC import only)

Runs the ODBC connection dialog before the import wizard in order to establish/re-establish the connection with the ODBC database.


Use a pre-existing template to import a data file. This is useful (for instance) to re-import data, or import new data with the same formatting.

If a template corresponding to the input file is located, then it is used as the default template name, with the particular template file extension "i3" or "i4".

See also I4 Import Template Files.

Import Using a Template

This dialog appears when the Template button is selected.


The template is used by the file import to set up channels, data types, etc., in the target database.

Use a pre-existing template to import a data file. This is useful (for instance) to re-import data, or import new data with the same formatting. If multiple templates are specified, the import will proceed on each template in turn, with the collar table (if present) processed first.

As of version 6.0, the import templates produced by the various import wizards contain both the data source and the type of data (Collar, Survey, From-To, Point), so these values need not be specified. If the import template specified was produced before v6.0, then an additional dialog will be displayed to the user (see below) in order to obtain the missing information.


Specify Missing Information

As of version 6.0, the import templates produced by the various import wizards contain both the data source and the type of data (Collar, Survey, From-To, Point), so these values need not be specified. If the import template specified was produced before v6.0, then an additional dialog will be displayed to the user (see below) in order to obtain the missing information. Any values already specified are displayed, and need not be altered.

Import Template

A read-only field with the name of the template file entered by the user. For information only.

Data file to import
Database imports only)

The name of file to import.


Data type

Select from one of the following data types: Collar, Dip-Azimuth Survey, East-North Survey, From-To Data or Point Data.

Script Parameter: DHIMPASC.TYPE, DHIMPDB.TYPE or DHIMPODBC.TYPE (0: Dip-Azimuth, 1: East-North, 2: From-To, 3: Point, 4: Collar)

Table name

The component drill hole project database is created using the project name and the table name, using the format: Project_Table.gdb. The table name should consist of only letters and/or numbers, with no spaces or special characters.


Application Notes

The DHIMPORT GX can be recorded in a script. If no import template exists, then use the wizard and the required template will be produced, and will be available when the script is run.

Use the DHREFRESH GX to refresh a drill project in one step by re-importing the data for all the databases.