Edit Map Comments

Use the Map > Edit Map Comments menu option (MAPCMNT GX) to edit the comment block of a map file.

  1. The default text editor (i.e. notepad) is displayed.

    If you have not specified your default text editor, the Select a Default Text Editor dialog will be displayed. Using the Browse button, locate a text editor on your computer (Notepad is recommended) and click OK.

  2. Type your comments in the window and then save the file and exit the text editor. The comments will be saved in the map file (*.map file).

Application Notes

This GX enables you to add comments to the comment block of a map file. The comment block is an RTF file which the GX opens using a default text editor such as Windows Wordpad. Type your comments in the window and then save the file and exit the text editor. The comments will be saved in the map file (*.map file).