Plot Variogram

Use the Grid and Image > Gridding > Plot Variogram menu option (VARIOGRM GX) to produce a variogram plot in the current map.

Plot Variogram dialog options

Variogram file

Variogram file

Script Parameter: VARIOGRM.FILE

Variogram plot width (mm)

Width of the variogram plot in mm

Script Parameter: VARIOGRM.WIDTH

Variogram plot height (mm)

Height of the variogram plot in mm

Script Parameter: VARIOGRM.HEIGHT

Application Notes

This dialog option accepts variogram files created by the Geosoft Krig gridding programs. Make sure the format of variogram files is correct if the files are prepared by yourself.

The default is to create a variogram plot of 250mm in width and 180mm in height. If different sizes are used, the text size and line thickness are changed proportionally.