Window Array Channel

Use the Database Tools > Array Channels > Window menu option (VAWINDOW GX) to extract the sum or average of values from a window of an array channel to a new channel.

Window dialog options

Array channel to window

The array channel to window

Script Parameter: VAWINDOW.VA

Output channel

The name of an existing or new output channel

Script Parameter: VAWINDOW.VV

Start element (0 is first)

The first element in the window (starting from element 0)

Script Parameter: VAWINDOW.START

Number of elements

The number of elements in the window

Script Parameter: VAWINDOW.LENGTH

Sum or average

Choose to sum or average the elements.

Script Parameter: VAWINDOW.MODE=Sum or Average

Application Notes

This dialog option is used to extract windows of information from array channels. For example, this dialog can be used to extract radiometric windows from 256 channel radiometric windows.

The output window is the simple sum or average of values in the array window. If any array values are dummy, the result will be dummy.

If the output channel does not exist, it will be created using the data type of the input array channel.