Copy Channel to Array Channel

Use the Database Tools > Array Channels > 1D -> 2D menu option (VV2VA GX) to copy the data from a given single element channel to an existing array channel.The array data will be filled row-by-row from the contents of the single element channel.

1D -> 2D dialog options

Copy from channel

The name of the channel to copy

Script Parameter: VV2VA.VV

To existing array channel

The name of an existing dimensioned array channel

Script Parameter: VV2VA.VA

Application Notes

This process is intended to be used to copy array data from a single-element channel back to an original array channel from which it was created using the Copy Array Channel to Single Element Channel option.

The target array channel must exist and must be dimensioned as required.

The start fiducial and fiducial increment of the single-element channel will be passed to the array channel.