Copy Array Channel to Single Element Channel

Use the Database Tools > Array Channels > 2D -> 1D menu option (VA2VV GX) to create a single-element channel from a given array channel, by copying all the array data into a single array. The last value in each array element will be followed by the first value in the next array element.

2D -> 1D  dialog options

Copy from array channel

The name of an existing array channel.

Script Parameter: VA2VV.VV

To single element channel

The name of the single element channel

Script Parameter: VA2VV.VA

Application Notes

This process is useful if you want to treat the data in an array channel as a single time-series. The single array channels can be processed or filtered as required and converted back to an array channel using the Copy Channel to Array Channel option.

The start fiducial and fiducial increment of the single element channel will be the same as the array channel. This means that the fiducial relationship of the new channel with other data channels in the database is not meaningful. However, the start fiducial and fiducial increment are passed back to the array channel when the data is replaced using the Copy Channel to Array Channel.

If the output channel does not exist, a new one will be created based on the data type in the array channel.