Warp Data

Use the Coordinates > Georeferencing > Warp Data menu option (WARPDATA GX) to create a pair of new coordinate channels from an existing pair of coordinate channels.

Warp Data dialog options

Current X/longitude channel

Select the current X/longitude channel.

Script Parameter: WARDATA.OLDX

Y/latitude channel 

Select the current Y/latitude channel.

Script Parameter: WARPDATA.OLDY

Warp definition file (.wrp)

The name of the Warp definition file (*.wrp).

Script Parameter: WARPDATA.WRP

Output X/longitude channel

Select the output X/longitude channel.

Script Parameter: WARPDATA.NEWX

Y/latitude channel 

Select the output Y/latitude channel.

Script Parameter: WARPDATA.NEWY

Application Notes

This GX enables you to apply a warp to existing X and Y channels and output the results to a second set of channels with names you specify. You can then apply other operations such as gridding to the newly warped data.

  • If the output channels already exist, they are not deleted and re-created, so that data existing in lines not currently selected by you will remain unchanged. However, as the input warp projection is applied to the output channels, data on unselected lines may become incorrectly located if the new projection does not match the previous projection since only one projection can be applied to a pair of channels, and it is active on every line in the database.