Warp a Grid

Use the Coordinates > Georeferencing > Warp a Grid menu option (WARPGRID GX) to warp the location of a grid.

Warp a Grid dialog options

Input grid

Select the input grid file.

Script Parameter: WARPGRID.IN

Warp definition file (.wrp)

Specify the Warp definition file (.PRJ).

Script Parameter: WARPGRID.WARP

Output warped grid

Specify the output warped grid file name.

Script Parameter: WARPGRID.OUT

New cell size

Enter the new cell size (optional).

Script Parameter: WARPGRID.CELL

Application Notes

The cell size is an optional parameter. If left blank, a default cell size is calculated to give approximately the same number of grid cells in the new grid as they are in the original grid file. By clicking the Default button, this value may be determined, and if desired, altered.

The second New Warped Grid dialog displays the characteristics of the new grid. Use the <Back button to return to the first dialog in order to alter the warp or the cell size; the second dialog is for display purposes only.

Use this warping method if your grid is a data source, for example an ER Mapper file, where the pixel numbers have meaning (e.g., reflectance values). Note that the method is very memory intensive and can be time-consuming for large or high resolution scanned images. Adding more RAM to your computer may decrease your processing time.