Set Current X,Y,Z

Use the Coordinates > Set Current X,Y,Z menu option (XYSET GX) to set the channels to use as the current X (Easting), Y (Northing) and Z (Elevation).

The option is also available with the following extensions: 

  • UXO Marine extension: UXO-Marine Sonar Utilities > Set Current X,Y,Z Coordinates menu
  • Target: Surface Mapping > Coordinates > Select Coordinates menu

Set Current X, Y, Z dialog options

Current X (Easting)

Select the channel to use as the current X (Easting) channel.

Script Parameter: SETXY.X

Current Y (Northing)

Select the channel to use as the current Y (Northing) channel.

Script Parameter: SETXY.Y

Current Z (Elevation)

Select the channel to use as the current Z (Elevation) channel. This parameter can be set to "(none)" for databases that do not support true elevation channels.

Script Parameter: SETXY.Z

Application Notes

All Geosoft core GXs have been modified to access the channels set here for use as "X" or "Y". If these values are not set, the channel selection is assumed to be "X", "Y", and "Z".

You can select channels other than "X" and "Y" (and "Z") for use as the coordinates channels. The "Z" channel is optional.

Markers are added to the channel headers to indicate which channels are currently defined to be the "current" X, Y (and Z) channels. The markers are small rectangles on the right side of the header cell with the "x", "y" (and "z") labels.
Normally, you will just get "x" and "y", but if you have a "Z" channel, you will get the "z" as well. The "z" is used in drillhole databases, where DH_EAST = "x", DH_NORTH = "y", and DH_RL = "z".

When you alter the current coordinate channels (Coordinates > Set Coordinate System), these markers change as well.