Paste Georeferenced into a View

Use the Paste Georeferenced map context-menu option to paste a (clipboard) copied georeferenced group or object on a map. If the group or object on the clipboard does not contain coordinate or projection information, it will be pasted using the normal method and will appear in the centre of the map. If the clipboard is empty, this option is disabled.

Paste Georeferenced into a View Dialog

Paste groups into view

Select a map view in which to paste the copied group.

Georeferenced map groups on the clipboard will be warped/projected to the coordinate space of the selected view and added as a new group in the view.

Application Notes

This option is useful if you want to copy groups or objects such as polygons from one map to another map in Oasis montaj and maintain the coordinate information. You can also copy text and graphics (as EMF objects) from Windows applications to Oasis montaj maps. Copy objects from a map to the clipboard and paste these into another map. The objects can be pasted either as georeferenced information in an existing Data view, or in a separate View centred on the currently displayed window.

An object is pasted to a new map in the correct place according to its coordinate and projection information. If the new map is in a different projection than the map the object came from, the object is reprojected when it is pasted.

The option is available only in a licensed version of Oasis montaj.

You can paste georeferenced data existing in a Data View of a map in two ways:

Copy an entire Data View group from map1 to map2

To do this:

  1. Open map1 and using the Map Manager tool, select the group in the Data View that you wish to copy.

  2. With the cursor over map1, from the map context menu, select Copy.

  3. Open map2 and select the Data View.

  4. With the cursor over map2, from the context menu, select Paste Georeferenced.

  5. The group from map1 will be pasted georeferenced into the Data View in map2.

Copy just one object in a Data View group (i.e., one line from several) from map1 into a new group in map2

To do this:

  1. Open map1 and using the Map Manager tool, select the vector group that contains the georeferenced ‘object’ you wish to copy, and click the Edit Vector Group button to put the group in edit mode.

  2. Select the individual object (e.g., a single line from a line path plot) that you want to copy, and from the map context menu, select Copy.

  3. Open map2 and using the Map Tools > CAD Tools > New Group menu option, create a new group in the Data View.

  4. In the Map Manager tool, select the newly created group, and click the Edit Vector Group button to put the group in edit mode.

  5. On the map, from the context menu, select Paste Georeferenced.

  6. The object from map1 will be pasted georeferenced into the new group in map2.